Whether you are a job seeker,an employer,or a training center,see how we can assist you..
For Job Seekers
Job seeking has become easier with BaaB
We build your CV and take it to the right employer.
An AI backed career advisor who provides tailored advices based on your CV to guide you on how to get a job.
Enjoy our FREE educational hub to be connected with your field of expertise, and to be aware of all important exhibitions and conferences.
An entire social platform with experts from all fields, as well as hiring experts exchanging tips to help you get hired.

For Employers
Searching for an employee has become easier with BaaB
Do you struggle to reach qualified candidates for your open positions? Are you tired of wasting time and effort sorting resumes? Do you want to streamline and organize the hiring process better to save time and money? BaaB will achieve all that for you.
- An entire database of job seekers, easy to filter to find the right candidates for you.
Find Qualified Candidate
- Various features include scheduling interviews, managing appointment decisions, and sending job offers to candidates.
And many more features

For Institutes and Training Centers
Publish your training events for free to all Baab users, through a special page for managing your events.
Follow up on users interaction with your events, get to know those who want to join your training programs.
Interact with those interested in your programs and respond to their inquiries; Receive requests for those wishing to participate.
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